Friday, August 03, 2007


Click Here to take survey

Monday, November 06, 2006

October 24, 2006 Minutes

October 24, 2006
TJNA Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order and the minutes of the past meeting were approved.

The guest speaker, Nancy Jane Baker of the Memphis Landmarks Commission gave a very informative talk about what a neighborhood needs to do and needs to consider if it is thinking about becoming a historic district. She gave a brief history of historic preservation and historic conservation in the Memphis area and explained what the steps are to be taken in order for TJNA to become a historic neighborhood. A short discussion followed, but no decision was made as to whether or not to pursue this idea. She mentioned that if you are interested in finding additional information about the types of housing in this neighborhood, there is a good book, A Field Guide to American Houses by Virginia and Lee McAlester.

Following the guest speaker, the business meeting began.

Henry Heidelberger showed everyone the new signs that have been made. These have a space on them to write out the event that is coming up.

The treasurer’s report indicated that we have $668.12 in the account and that dues are to be paid at this meeting. There was some discussion about paying dues through PayPal.

Social Committee: There will be a mixer on Nov 5th at Zinnie’s East at 5:30pm. Please bring some canned goods for MIFA.

On December 10th at about 4pm in the afternoon, there will be caroling at the Overton Nursing Home on Tucker and a get-together after at Gail Karr’s home. Final details will be posted on the website and on a flyer.

There will be a Door Decorating Contest for the holidays, with the judging being done on Dec 15th. Watch for details on the website and on the flyer.

It was decided that since there are many things happening during December, that an extra flyer would be printed and distributed late in November so that everyone in the neighborhood would be informed about the caroling and about the decorating contest.

Neighborhood Cleanup: The next cleanup will be behind the dairy again, probably in February.

Yard of the Month: Unfortunately, the ‘Yard of the Month’ sign has disappeared, so we will need to get a new sign before this project can continue.

Neighborhood Watch: The Police Dept has been contacted and they will come to a future meeting and explain about neighborhood watch.

Park Friends: Future events include a Hayride on Nov 3rd starting at the Pavilion, and on Nov 17 there will be a Holiday party at the Golf house between 6-9pm.

Sam Goff gave a report about the Midtown Redevelopment. They continue to meet and plan for the improvement of midtown, and have decided to begin by fixing up the small park across from Zinnies East. He also talked a bit about the Memphis crime situation. He talked about the large number of gangs that are operating in Memphis and that these gangs include a surprising number of girls. There will be a Forum on Crime on November 29th.

Election of Officers: The Co-Presidents, Vice President, Treasurer and WebMaster have all agreed to remain in office. The Secretary has resigned so this is the only office to be filled. No one volunteered, so we will choose a new secretary at the next meeting.

The officers are as follows
Co-Presidents: Gail Karr and Sara Goff
Vice President: Henry Heidelberger
Treasurer: Bill Crowder
Web-Master: Ken Wilson

The next meeting will be January 30, 2007

The meeting was adjourned.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Conference this Thursday

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

July 25, 2006 Minutes

July 25, 2006
TJNA Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order and began with a very interesting talk by Sharon Gordon from the Memphis Public Works Dept. She spoke to us about the city’s Scoop the Poop Program, and the need to be very careful about what pollutants end up going into the storm drains. She explained that the storm drains collect the rain runoff, which ultimately joins the streams and rivers, which are used for many purposes. While the emphasis of the talk was on pollution from animal waste, she also reminded everyone that nothing hazardous can be disposed in the storm drains; that even kitchen grease and oil can cause sewer blockages.

We next heard from Ian Randolph from the Annesdale Snowden Neighborhood Association. He told about the many things that are going on in his neighborhood, home tours, picnics, Easter egg hunts, househopping/cocktail hours, and more. He told that 30-40% of the households in the neighborhood are active in the association, and that they have something happening nearly every month.

Pam reported from Park Friends, additional trashcans have been provided for Overton Park, and she briefly commented on the problem for the need for additional parking at the Zoo.

Neighborhood Night Out will be held at 1866 Court Ave, next Tuesday between 7 & 9pm. Everyone should bring a dish to share.

The Treasurer reported that we have $887.61.

Neighborhood Watch – Since Donna Heidelberger has been ill, Gail said that she would work at getting this restarted.

Neighborhood Clean Up – It was decided that the next neighborhood clean up will take place on Sept 23 at 9am, with Sept 30 as a backup date in case of rain.

The group discussed the need for speed bumps in the neighborhood. Apparently, there will have to be signed petitions from the neighborhood, there has to be a certain level of traffic, and then if it is approved, the waiting period to actually get the speed bumps is between 12-18 months.

Sara Goff reported that the Midtown Redevelopment Corp (Heart of the Arts) now has an office at Overton Square.

The next meeting will be October 24 at the Barbecue Shop.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Kroc Center Survey


The Salvation Army Memphis Area Command is developing a plan for the Joan and Ray Kroc Community Center at the Memphis Fairgrounds. Because you live, work, or go to school in this area, The Salvation Army wants to hear your opinions about what would make the Kroc Center valuable to your community.

Please take this brief survey to share your thoughts, and please forward this link to anyone in your neighborhood or in a neighborhood surrounding the Memphis Fairgrounds. If you know of anyone who would prefer to participate through a paper survey, they are available for the next couple of weeks (they will be the week of May 22) at the Cooper Young community offices at 2298 Young Avenue (open Monday-Friday 9 am to 5 pm), 272-1459.

Take the survey here

Thursday, May 04, 2006

April 25, 2006 Minutes

The meeting was called to order by co-president, Sara Goff. The minutes of the past meeting were approved as presented.

The guest speaker, Suzy Askew gave a wonderful program about urban gardening. She is a member of the group that is restoring the kitchen garden at the Magevney House. A kitchen garden is one in which every plant has to be productive, and provide something that can be used in the kitchen or the house. This group is trying to only use plants that might have been available to gardeners in the mid-1800s, and she announced that it is possible to tour these gardens on Saturday mornings.

She recommended that we adapt our gardens to the style of our homes and to the level of energy required to maintain them. After talking a bit about different heirloom plants, she recommended a number of books that might be very helpful for urban gardeners: Plants that Merit Attention: Volume I: Trees by the Horticultural Committee of the Garden Club of America, Trees in Urban Design, Second Edition by Henry F. Arnold, and The Southern Gardener’s Book of Lists: The Best Plants for All Your Needs, Wants, and Whims by Lois Trigg Chaplin.

Following the speaker, the meeting resumed.

Pam will be our liaison with Park Friends and she announced that on Sunday May 21 from 4-7pm there would be a party at the golf house. She also requested suggestions for the yard of the month.

Bill Crowder, treasurer said that we have $881.61 in the account.

The tentative plans for future meetings include:

July 25 - A speaker discussing the storm water division’s campaign on “Scoop the Poop”

Oct 24 - A speaker to discuss the historical nature of the neighborhood and what it might take for this area to become a designated historical neighborhood.

Jan 23 - A discussion of Neighborhood Watch

Mr. Jackie Nichols of Playhouse on the Square talked to the group about the Heart of the Arts Initiative. It turns out that as more groups have become involved in this effort the size and scope of the project has changed somewhat. He will keep us posted on the project as it evolves. He also reminded everyone that demolition on the Antique Mall will begin in a few days and that there will be a party at Playhouse on the Square this coming Friday evening to celebrate.

Steve Bell gave a report about the Katrina victims who had been living in one of his apartments in the neighborhood. He had recently been to New Orleans and had met them again and they are still so appreciative of all the donations and support they received while they stayed in this neighborhood. They wanted to show their appreciation and so, even though they have next to nothing there in New Orleans, they sent a huge collection of Mardi Gras beads for us.

Sara brought up the need for code-enforcement rules to be distributed to the neighborhood. Probably none of us know exactly what the rules are and it would be helpful for everyone to be aware of them.

She also requested that all the committees that were formed at the last meeting should chose a leader, and to meet as a committee before the next meeting.

Social Committee
It was announced that there will be a neighborhood mixer at Boscos Squared on May 16 during happy hour, like between 5 and 7pm. Everyone just needs to come.

There also was a discussion about forming an exercise group that could meet in Overton Park for running or walking.

The social committee is to meet following this meeting to plan a porch party.

Clean Up committee
There is a neighborhood clean up planned for May 13. Everyone should meet on Jefferson, behind the dairy, near Lick creek at 8am. We will be doing a neighborhood sweep to pick up trash, so bring trash bags and wear gloves.

Open Floor
There were two comments about Tucker, one is that there are new No Parking signs posted on the west side of the street, and the other was that because many people leave their garbage cans on the sidewalk for days on end, people who are using wheelchairs are having to ride in the street.

There was a comment about how crummy the streetlights are looking at Cooper and Madison, that they desperately need a coat of paint.

Sara asked if anyone knew the location of the neighborhood T-shirts that had been printed several years ago.

The next meeting will be on July 25.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Billboard Ordinance Info

from Evergreener Bill Bullock

City Council is scheduled to vote on Tuesday, March 7 whether or not to soften the current sign ordinance. An effort is underway to remove the restrictions that were passed in 1999 and begin allowing new billboards to be erected on streets like Poplar, Union, Summer and Lamar. With only a handful of opponents to this being on hand at the last Council meeting when this was expected to have been voted on, one Council member noted that this obviously was not an important issue for residents of Memphis.

While Evergreen has gone on record supporting the current more restrictive ordinance, those close to this situation believe that a significant showing at Tuesday's City Council meeting will be necessary to achieve success. If you are interested in keeping new billboards from being built along our city streets, plan on attending this meeting.

While the session is slated to start at 3:30, it is likely that this item will not come up prior to 4 p.m., and could be much later. City Council meets on the first floor of City Hall, 125 N. Main Street. Parking is available close by including several lots on the west side of Front Street south of Poplar.